Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Smoking and Peripheral Artery Disease

According to the Vascular Disease Association,  smoking is not only a major cause of heart disease, cancer and lung disease, it  is also the number one cause of peripheral artery disease,( PAD). Studies show that smoking even half a pack of cigarettes per day may increase the risk of having PAD by 30 to 50 percent.
With every puff, smoking harms your blood vessels. It speeds up the buildup of plaque in the artery walls and increases the formation of leg artery blockages. Smoking constricts blood vessels and causes the blood to clot.

As a result, smoking causes PAD to get worse faster. It increases the chance of having leg pain (or claudication) even while at rest, losing a foot or a leg due to amputation, or having a heart attack or stroke. As many as one out of two people with PAD who continue to smoke will have a heart attack or stroke or die within 5 years.

Quitting smoking may be the most important life saving step people with PAD can take. And, it is not too late. 

 Research shows that people with PAD can lower the risk of heart attack, stroke or death when they quit smoking. Plus, you will enjoy these other health rewards:
•    Your blood pressure will be lower in just a few days.
•    You will reduce your risk of foot ulcers, eye problems, nerve damage and kidney disease (if you have diabetes).
•    You will lower your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, lungs and bladder.
•    In one year after quitting, your blood flow and breathing will be improved and your coughing and shortness of breath will be reduced.
•    You will protect your children and grandchildren from second-hand smoke.
•    Best of all, you will live longer and better.

If you smoke and suffer from leg pain or foot pain we are available to answer any of your questions or you are welcome to call our office to set up a consultation with one of our physicians.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nonsurgical Treatment for Male Infertility Caused by Varicoceles

             Highly Effective, Widely Available Treatment is Underutilized

According to the Society of Interventional Radiology , a varicocele is a varicose vein of the testicle and scrotum that may cause pain, testicular atrophy (shrinkage) or male infertility problems. Veins contain one-way valves that work to allow blood to flow from the testicles and scrotum back to the heart. When these valves fail, the blood pools and enlarges the veins around the testicle in the scrotum to cause a varicocele. Open surgical ligation, performed by a urologist, is the most common treatment for symptomatic varicoceles. Varicocele embolization, a nonsurgical treatment performed by an interventional radiologist, is as effective as surgery with less risk, less pain and less recovery time. Patients considering surgical treatment should also get a second opinion from an interventional radiologist to ensure they know all of their treatment options.

•    Approximately 10 percent of all men have varicoceles - among infertile couples, the incidence of varicoceles increases to 30 percent
•    Highest occurrence in men aged 15-35
•    As many as 70-80,000 men in America may undergo surgical correction of varicocele annually
Pain - aching pain when an individual has been standing or sitting for long periods of time and pressure builds up on the affected veins. Typically, painful varicoceles are prominent in size.
Fertility Problems - There is an association between varicoceles and infertility. The incidence of varicocele increases to 30 percent in infertile couples. Decreased sperm count, decreased motility of sperm, and an increase in the number of deformed sperm are related to varicoceles. Some experts believe that blocked and enlarged veins around the testes, called varicoceles, cause infertility by raising the temperature in the scrotum and decreasing sperm production.

Testicular Atrophy
- Shrinking of the testicles is another sign of varicoceles. Often, once the testicle is repaired it will return to normal size.
Varicocele Diagnosis
Diagnosis is fairly simple through either physical or diagnostic examination.
•    Typical on left side of scrotum
•    Visual physical exam - scrotum looks like a "bag of worms"
•    Testicle can shrink in size / atrophy
•    When varicoceles are not clearly present, the abnormal blood flow can often be detected with a noninvasive imaging exam called color flow ultrasound or through a venogram - an X-ray in which a special dye is injected into the veins to "highlight" blood vessel abnormalities
Varicocele Treatments
Currently there are two treatment options for men with varicoceles: Catheter-directed embolization or surgical ligation

Catheter directed embolization is a non-surgical, outpatient treatment performed by an interventional radiologist using imaging to guide catheters or other instruments inside the body. Through mild IV sedation and local anesthesia, patients are relaxed and pain-free during the approximately two-hour procedure.
For the procedure, Dr. William Julien or Dr. Warren Swee makes a tiny nick in the skin at the groin using local anesthesia, through which a thin catheter (much like a piece of spaghetti) is passed into the femoral vein, directly to the testicular vein. The physician then injects contrast dye to provide direct visualization of the veins so s/he can map out exactly where the problem is and where to embolize, or block, the vein. By using coils, balloons, or particles, the interventional radiologist blocks the blood flow in the vein which reduces pressure on the varicocele. By embolizing the vein, blood flow is re-directed to other healthy pathways. Essentially, the incompetent vein is "shut off" internally by preventing blood flow, accomplishing what the urologist does, but without surgery.

Efficacy of Embolization for Varicoceles
Embolization is equally effective in improving male infertility and costs about the same as surgical ligation. Pregnancy rates and recurrence rates are comparable to those following surgical varicocelectomy. In one study, sixty percent conceived who were treated for infertility.
In another study, sperm concentration improved in 83 percent of patients undergoing embolization compared to 63 percent of those surgically ligated. Patients who underwent both procedures expressed a strong preference for embolization.

Recovery Time
•    Average of one to two days for complete recovery for embolization, compared to two to three weeks for surgery
•    24 percent of surgical ligation patients required overnight hospital stay, compared to none for embolization
Benefits of Interventional Radiology Procedure
•    No surgical incision in the scrotal area
•    Effective as surgery, as measured by improvement in semen analysis and pregnancy rates
•    Less recovery time-patients are able to return to normal daily activities immediately and without hospital admittance
•    A patient with varicoceles on both sides can have them fixed simultaneously through one vein puncture site, compared to surgery, which requires two separate open incisions
•    No general anesthesia
•    No sutures
•    No infections
•    Cost-effective

Surgical Treatment of Varicocele
After the patient receives anesthesia, an incision is made in the skin above the scrotum, cutting down to the testicular veins, and tying them off with sutures. Although patients leave the hospital the same day, there is a two- to three-week recovery period.

Clot-busting technology saves man from 2 1/2-foot blood clot

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When 59-year-old Gerald Cunha was diagnosed with a 2 1/2-foot blood clot that stretched from his knee to his abdomen, doctors prepared him for the worst. 

But thanks to a new clot-busting technology, Cunha survived and was able to tell his story to

Cunha’s ordeal began with what he thought was just sciatica causing pain in his legs.

“I started getting some swelling,” Cunha said. “[I] made an appointment with my primary, and the swelling got worse.  So [I] went to the emergency room.”

“My leg had swollen up to about twice the size,” he added.”

Doctors found Cunha was suffering from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein deep inside the body.

Dr. Warren Swee, an interventional radiologist at South Florida Vascular Associates, discovered Cunha's DVT stretched all the way up his leg to his pelvis.

“When people develop a DVT and experience pain and swelling of the knee or leg, they often think they might have a pulled muscle from exercising too much or from wearing the wrong shoes,” said Swee. “This  misconception prevents people from seeking medical attention immediately, which is key.”

In Cunha's case, he had been suffering from pain and swelling for about 10 days before going to the emergency room.

Cunha also had many classic risk factors for DVT; he was overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle and was a smoker.

“He was referred to our office because he had a poor response to the primary therapy for a DVT – blood thinner,” Swee said. “Blood thinners alone will allow you to prevent the clot from breaking off and going to the lungs – which can be life-threatening and is called a pulmonary embolism.”

But for Cunha, blood thinners didn't cut it, and Swee soon found he would need to be creative in his approach to treatment.

“We decided to use a secondary form of therapy which incorporated clot busters and not just blood thinners,” Swee said. “We put him on his stomach and prepped his leg. Through a small hole we inserted a catheter directly into the clot, which drips clot busting medication right into the clot and melts it away.”

Using a new device called the EKOS Ultrasound Catheter, Cuhna’s health improved quickly.
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